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Trains Everywhere!
Hi friends,
So, everywhere I look these days I see trains … freight trains, passenger trains, and starting the week of July 8, my new favorite band Train in Somerset, Wisconsin on 7-8, Indianapolis on 7-10, Cincinnati on 7-12, and on 7-13, my sweet hometown Chicago, the South Side of Chicago no less, just a few miles from where I grew up, down the road from Oak Lawn, in Tinley Park!
Our Summer Road Trip tour is getting off to a roaring start, in the heart of REO Country. I feel so strongly that fans of Train will dig the REO setlist, and same for the REO fans being wowed by all the beautifully written and performed Train songs, great playing by the Train band, and the amazing voice of my buddy Patrick Monahan.
REO is currently spending the month of June with our old friends, special guests Night Ranger and Levon. I am grateful to be sharing the stage with bands whose music we love, and who we love personally. At this point in my life, I want to surround myself with nice solid people, no tour drama, and good fun … that is how we roll. We have a night off in St Louis tomorrow, and tour manager Ken Denson has planned a full-band outing to see the Cardinals play a home game at beautiful Busch Stadium. All six of us will be indulging in plenty of peanuts and Crackers Jacks tomorrow night!
Some of you may remember the awesome multi-band shows that REO headlined at Busch Stadium in 1978 and ‘82. I would love to hear your memories of those shows in the comments section here, as my memories of those concerts almost seem surreal! I need you to remind me that it all actually happened!
I look forward to seeing you at one of the final three June shows, in Evansville, Indiana and Decatur, Illinois on Tuesday and Wednesday … and next Friday on the BMO Stage at Summerfest in the great city of Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Rock on, and look out for oncoming Trains! … kc
Photo: A mighty freight train, chugging along the banks of the Mississippi River, seen from my hotel room window.
PS. My feet will undoubtedly take me on my usual hike to the St Louis Arch this afternoon. It is a beautiful Midwest day here … actually I am gonna head out as soon as I press send!
PPPS. The city of St Louis, its people, and KSHE radio, have meant so much to me and my music. I love it here, and can’t wait for the Summer Road Tour to roll into the Riverport Amphitheater on July 16!
See you guys there! kc