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Kevin Chats with Mancow on 97.9 The Loop – Chiacgo’s Classic Rock
Hi friends,
REO has a long and storied history with the LOOP, the Chicagoland classic rock radio giant.
Back in the day, we played arguably the most heavily impaired game of 16″ softball in memory, (or lack of memory, as the case may be), going up against the LOOP on-air staff. There are conflicting reports with regard to the final score…I choose to believe everybody won!
Years later the LOOP literally sent us up the river, the Chicago River that is. We set up our gear on a sight-seeing boat and cruised through downtown playing for thousands of people gathered along, and in many cases hanging from, the drawbridges as we floated along, amps on 11, doing our best to disturb the peace.
Most recently our good buddy Mancow, who has had me as a regular guest since he took over the morning drive time slot, sent an email with a video clip attached. I pushed play and there were the Stones, Paul McCartney, Pete Townsend, Gary Richrath and me….it would be an enormous understatement to say that we are in good company! I only wish I could still get my hair to turn into blue lightning bolts like that!
The LOOP and Mancow sure take care of their friends!!