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Launching Summer Road Trip 2024 Tour w/ Train @ Jimmy Kimmel & The Whisky a GoGo
Hi friends, it was awesome to share the stage, although tiny and triangular, with our new brothers in Train. Back to back gigs on Jimmy Kimmel Live and the iconic Whiskey A GoGo on the Sunset Strip, plus a three hour sit-down story-session with Patrick Monahan and me, was a great way to announce our Summer Road Trip Tour.
So many times you come to the last week of a long tour, after slowly but surely meeting and getting to know your tour-mates, and everyone asks themselves, “Why did we wait so long to hang out together?” Well, for this tour with Train we got right down to it. I am already feeling like this tour is gonna be one for the ages!
Our buddy Sammy Hagar introduced Patrick and me at his Acoustic for a Cure charity event last year, and that organic meeting has led to this unique and interesting tour partnership. It reminds me of how a chance meeting between Tommy Shaw and me turned into a twenty-five year love-fest between our bands. That is how it is supposed to be, and the audiences are the ultimate winners when the bands are friends. So come on out and join the fun on the 2024 REO/Train Summer Road Trip Tour, or as Jimmy Kimmel calls it, the WagonTrain Tour! Either way, it’s gonna be a night of hit songs, great production, and surprises! … kc