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Merry Christmas 2022
Merry (belated) Christmas friends,
This has been a long, busy, exciting, triumphant year for our REO Speedwagon. So it is especially rewarding to be home and together with my Family at Christmastime. With Holly, Josh, and Shane here with us, their friends visiting, and Lisa (Mrs Claus) in her workshop making sure everything is just right, it’s Holi-palooza here at Camp Cronin!
On our first Christmas together, Lisa and I went to pick out a tree on Christmas Eve. There were beautiful Scotch Pines, massive Douglas Firs, multi-colored flocking as far the eye can see. But off in a dark corner of the lot sat a crooked little tree, all alone and with slim prospects. Lisa’s heart went out to the lonely forgotten tree, and she convinced me that we should bring it home.
Thirty two years later, it remains a Cronin Family tradition to rescue the littlest Christmas tree left on the lot every Christmas Eve, and set it up along with our regular tree. Each year is a unique experience, as one never knows how or by what our heartstrings will be plucked. This year, both of our go-to tree-lots had packed it in by the time we got there on the afternoon of December 24, so we were forced to improvise. We each gathered leftover branches from the grounds, brought them home, and Lisa created our Littlest Christmas Tree 2022.
Happy Holidays from the Cronin Clan, and the entire REO Speedwagon Family,
much love, kc