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Final Stretch of the Live and UnZoomed Tour

written by REO Speedwagon

Hi friends, as we enter the final stretch of our Live and UnZoomed Tour I have so many feelings running through me. We are in Huntsville, Alabama tonight, then we work our way up the East Coast through Greenville, SC, Bridgeport, CT, Gilmore, NH, and our closing night in Bangor, ME.

The people in this photo have become a family…working, laughing, dodging Covid, and mostly ROCKING together. The support we have received from the great fans of REO, Styx, and Loverboy has added up to a record-breaking run of sold-out amphitheaters and arenas all across America, and has reenergized all of us! I want to thank each and every one of you who came out and rocked with us Live and UnZoomed, and look forward to seeing you again soon.
That said, we have all been away from home a lot over the past four months, and we appreciate the support we have all gotten from our wives and families on the home front. They miss us, and us them, and I look forward to getting home and reconnecting with my family and friends at home.
Our band will be back on the road in October and early November for a run of Evening with REO Speedwagon concerts, and will regroup again in early 2023.
Meanwhile, we have five shows in the next six days, and I plan to rally and finish strong. It will be sad when this tour winds down, as I love everyone in this photo, plus the members of our amazing production and tech crew. The level of cooperation necessary to keep this roadshow running smoothly is far more than meets the eye…the men and women of our management and crew are all seasoned professionals and fun and friendly people. I feel so fortunate to be part of this special group, and am very proud of the job we all did to bring you the fans an amazing concert experience every night of the Live and UnZoomed Tour.
This will be an emotional week, and I imagine more feelings will come up over the next few days. And you know me, I’ll be sharing! Much love…kc