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Auburn Rescheduled Show
Hi friends, resting in my bunk as we roll toward Northern California. I sure appreciate all the well-wishers here. Nothing serious, just a cold which began last Saturday in Modesto, hurt my American Idol performance on Sunday, and kicked my butt last night in Kennewick, WA. I managed to power through, but could not answer the bell tonight in Auburn.
I truly hate missing shows, but I assure you the concert has already been rescheduled for later this summer…the date will be announced soon. The trouble with singers catching colds is it messes with your instrument. Piano players can still play the keyboard, guitarists can still shred, drummers can still bash the tubs…but we singers are totally screwed!
So my apologies to those who had plans to see us in Auburn, and especially to those who traveled some distance, hired babysitters, or took off of work. Believe me, if I could have done the gig…I would have. I never take our fans for granted, and it hurts me when I think of those of you who were inconvenienced or disappointed. It doesn’t happen often, but it sucks when we have to miss a show.
I will be resting up for the next couple of days, taking my medicine, and ready to rock in Rohnert Park and Lincoln this weekend. And looking forward to rocking extra hard at the rescheduled show in Auburn on August 23rd.