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A Little Backstage Mishap…
Hi Friends,
So, we were changing clothes after a hot, sold out show, in front of 15,000 fans at the PNC Arts Center, here in Holmdel, New Jersey. The crew had come in to pack up the dressing room cases, when Derek found himself in the wrong place at an unfortunate time. Dave’s wardrobe case was a bit front heavy, the floor was not quite level, and kaboom! The proper authorities have been summoned, and apparently the jaws-of-life are en route to the backstage area, to try to extricate our keyboardist from his permanent position below Dave’s formidable array of rock duds. Derek has biceps of steel, so I am confident that he will lift the road cases from his torso and escape unscathed. We will let you know, but all his hours in the gym are about to pay off for Derek. Although his legs appear a bit wobbly, he should be okay in time for our shows with Train in Hartford and Boston this weekend. Hope to see you there. Much love … kc